- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wyoming

The Cliffs Communities: America's best private club membership
The Cliffs Communities
15 Fair Green Lane
Travelers Rest, S.C. 29690
A collection of eight private, master-planned communities in the heart of The Blue Ridge Mountains, The Cliffs Communities is located amid hundreds of thousands of acres of protected forests, crystal lakes, streams and waterfalls, and four distinct seasons of comfort. Gary Player, the International Ambassador of Golf and World's Most Traveled Athlete, was so inspired by the beauty of The Cliffs and surrounding areas that he decided to move his family and Black Knight North American headquarters to The Cliffs at Mountain Park. He has routinely referred to the area as "The Switzerland of America."
"one of America's Top 10 Golf Communities." - Travel + Leisure Golf
Located between the Southern hotspots of Charlotte and Atlanta, the eight Cliffs Communities, each with its own unique appeal and all within a short drive of one another, offers a membership unlike any other in America.
Membership in one community affords you access to the world-class amenities at all eight, including eight championship golf courses, spectacular clubhouses and restaurants, a standard-setting Wellness Program, spa facilities, an organic farm, an Equestrian Center, and four International Properties in Chile, British Columbia and The Bahamas.
"one of the most comprehensive and impressive club memberships in the world." - Resort Living magazine
The Cliffs is the only club in the country to offer two Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Courses, two Tom Fazio Lakeside designs, a new Gary Player "river course" with 14 of the 18 holes playing along the North Saluda River, a parkland-style course from Ben Wright, a classic from Tom Jackson, and now, America’s first Tiger Woods’ designed golf course.
Plus, The Cliffs is the only community in the country to partner with PinnacleCare, one of the nation's premier medical advocacy groups to ensure you will receive expedited access to the world's finest doctors and hospitals.
Home to the Country's First, Luxury Family Wellness Resort
The Cliffs is home to the Country's First, Luxury Family Wellness Resort, The Cliffs at Keowee Springs Lodge and Spa. A world-class residential spa community, The Cliffs at Keowee Springs provides an invigorating, inspiring and rewarding environment for your entire family, promising unhurried time with physicians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, wellness professionals and a dedicated wellness coach to provide a Lifestyle Prescription for your optimized health and well-being.
Whether it's a lakeside cottage, mountainside estate, homesite with unprecedented mountain-lake views, or America's best private club membership, you will find more for your life at The Cliffs. Learn more at www.cliffscommunities.com or call us today at (866) 435-5123.
Homesites from $200,000
Homes from $650,000
August 2, 2007
Any opinions expressed above are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the management. The information in this story was accurate at the time of publication. All contact information, directions and prices should be confirmed directly with the golf course or resort before making reservations and/or travel plans.