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Looking to purchase a new vacation or retirement home in Arizona?
Attention golf enthusiasts: Have you been considering purchasing a new vacation or retirement home? Freedom Realty Exchange (FRE), an online real estate auction company, has just announced the launch of their "Desert Oasis" campaign to auction 19 new single-family homes at Laughlin Ranch and Talon Pointe in Bullhead City, Ariz. With this online auction being a final closeout of inventory, it is the last chance for buyers to purchase a home in these premier gated communities, in a prime golfing destination.
Both Laughlin Ranch and Talon Pointe are picturesque oases in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Laughlin Ranch is a master-planned golf community featuring resort-style homes in three distinct neighborhoods: Copper Canyon, Silverado Pass and Black Mountain Estates. Located off the Bullhead Parkway and Highway 95, the community boasts a luxurious day spa and salon, a fitness center and an excellent restaurant and bar lounge. In addition, the Laughlin Ranch Golf Course is an award-winning 18-hole golf course and clubhouse, voted America's Best New Golf Course by Golf Digest in 2005 and no. 1 clubhouse in the nation by Golf, Inc. in 2007. Similarly, Talon Pointe at Desert Shores, located along Bullhead Parkway, is a prestigious gated community featuring panoramic views of the beautiful Black Mountains.
Bullhead City is located directly across the Colorado River from Laughlin, Nev. and just a short drive from Lake Mead, Lake Mohave and Lake Havasu. Furthermore, it is conveniently centered on the border between California, Arizona and Nevada, only a few hours' drive from Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Phoenix. Besides golf, the Bullhead City area offers a variety of outdoor recreation including hiking and biking on nearby trails, boating on the Colorado River and the surrounding lakes, and gambling and nightlife in the Laughlin casinos on the Nevada side of the river.
All of the available properties are new homes with three bedrooms, or two bedrooms with an optional office or den, and two bathrooms, ranging from 1,600 square feet to over 2,600 square feet. The auction portfolio includes three model homes, two of which are fully furnished, with minimum bids starting at $1, being sold as absolute, regardless of price, to the highest bidder.
With a bid deadline of Nov. 8, 2007, prospective buyers are encouraged to review more information about the properties and register to participate in the online auction by visiting www.FRE.com/166RE6.
October 23, 2007
Any opinions expressed above are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the management. The information in this story was accurate at the time of publication. All contact information, directions and prices should be confirmed directly with the golf course or resort before making reservations and/or travel plans.